Beyond honored to receive the 2023 Stein & Moore Award from the Protein Society at this July’s society meeting! This award recognizes the sustained impact of my group’s research in the general field of protein science, our favorite corner of the fields of biochemistry, biophysics, and structural biology. I am humbled to be included in a tremendously distinguished list of prior awardees (including many of my scientific heroes!) and a stellar group of awardees this year across PS’ honors. With fantastic students, postdocs, and staff – initially at UT Southwestern’s Departments of Biophysics and Biochemistry, and now at the CUNY ASRC’s Structural Biology Initiative and CCNY’s Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry – and stellar collaborators, I’ve been privileged to get the chance to pursue a mix of curiosity vs. problem-driven research. What’s come out of it, from a group of outstanding trainees to fundamental insights to tools & drugs being used around the world, has far exceeded the hopes and dreams I had when I opened the door to a temporary office in UTSW’s K building for the first time in August 1998. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!