
Congratulations, Dr. Danielle Swingle

Congrats to Danielle Swingle for her outstanding PhD defense talk and Q&A on Sept 27, wrapping up the work required for her Ph.D. in the GC Ph.D. Program in Biochemistry. Danielle's done a great job blending biochemistry, biophysics, and a slate of structural biology methods to advance our studies of bacterial two-component signaling systems [...]

2024-09-29T11:14:26-04:00September 29th, 2024|Congratulations!, Gratitude|

Congratulations, Dr. Matthew Cleere

Congrats to Matt Cleere for an outstanding PhD defense talk and Q&A on Nov 17, wrapping up the work required for his Ph.D. in the GC Ph.D. Program in Biology. Matt brought yeast to the lab, merging his experience and passion for the Awesome Power of Yeast Biology (TM) with the lab's long-standing tradition [...]

2023-11-17T16:29:23-05:00November 17th, 2023|Congratulations!, Gratitude|

The Busy Summer of 2023 III: 25/10!

Final things to highlight in the summer of 2023 are ones I'm particularly proud of, including anniversaries of the lab's founding 25 years ago in the Department of Biochemistry at UT Southwestern and joining the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center 10 years ago, plus receiving the Stein and Moore Award from The Protein Society [...]

2023-09-18T00:20:42-04:00September 18th, 2023|Congratulations!, Gratitude|

The Busy Summer of 2023 I: Welcome, Melanie!

Thinking back to being a kid growing up in California, I remember summers being a time of rest, relaxation, and squirreling around with a backpack on – places like here, here and here. Good times! In 2023, not a kid any longer = summers are time to move things along, start new ideas, or reflect [...]

2023-09-10T12:35:44-04:00September 8th, 2023|Announcements|

Sequence conservation with a catch: Dikiy et al. JBC 2023

In our latest J. Biol. Chem. paper, we share some of our latest findings from a fantastic team led by Igor Dikiy and Danielle Swingle, who investigated how strongly homology across related proteins really translates into fundamental aspects like regulatory mode and quaternary structure.  Starting from bioinformatics searches looking for proteins related to a [...]

2023-06-17T10:15:24-04:00June 17th, 2023|Papers|

Welcome Soumendu!

Welcome to new postdoctoral researcher Soumendu Boral, joining us after getting his Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur earlier this year with NMR-based studies of the structural and dynamic basis of protein splicing mediated by the Spl DnaX intein.  Thrilled to have you join us here in New York!

2023-06-17T08:46:52-04:00June 17th, 2023|Announcements, People|

Congrats: Malvin – E. Olshansky Award

Congrats to Malvin Forson, a first year CUNY GC Biochemistry Ph.D. student in the lab, for being recently awarded a E. Olshansky Graduate Merit Award from the CCNY Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry!  This merit-based award supports incoming graduate students with both support directly to them and the supporting laboratory.  Congratulations, Malvin!

2023-05-30T14:39:27-04:00May 30th, 2023|Congratulations!, Gratitude|

Congratulations, Dr. Jim Xu!

Congrats to Xingjian (Jim) Xu for an outstanding PhD defense talk and Q&A on April 21, wrapping up his degree work in the GC Ph.D. Program in Biochemistry. Stellar combination of biophysical & biochemical approaches – HDX-MS / MST / EM / NMR / X-ray diffraction – to answer some tough questions about protein/protein [...]

2023-09-10T12:15:31-04:00April 22nd, 2023|Congratulations!, Gratitude|

Welcome Carol!

Welcome to visiting postdoc Carolina Matos, joining the lab for a year's stay.  With FAPESP fellowship support, Carol, a postdoc with Carlos Ramos at UNICAMP in São Paolo, is combining biophysical and biochemical approaches to study chaperone/client interaction.  Meet Carol and the rest of the group at!

2023-04-22T16:52:46-04:00April 22nd, 2023|People|
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