Welcome to the Gardner Lab in the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center‘s Structural Biology Initative. Explore a bit here to learn more about who we are, what we work on, and why we think this is important. Follow us on Twitter at @nmrkaygee, and comments/questions always welcome at kgardner@gc.cuny.edu. Thanks!
KG – 4/23
Shifting the slip: Xu et al. Magn Reson 2021
Proud to announce the publication of Xu et al., Magn Reson 2021, "Fragile protein folds: Sequence and environmental factors affecting the equilibrium of two interconverting, stably folded protein conformations" in a special collection celebrating the 80th birthday of our NMR colleague Rob Kaptein. This work extends our studies of [...]
Under pressure – I: Xu et al. Biophys J. 2021
Proud to announce the publication of Xu et al., Biophys J 2021, "Volume and Compressibility Differences Between Protein Conformations Revealed by High-Pressure NMR," along with a great accompanying New & Notable overview from Remco Sprangers. This work returns us to a neat model system for metamorphic proteins which we uncovered over [...]
New lab website
OK. Finally retired a well-worn website that started as a built-from-HTML-scratch version in the last millennium and reformatted with more modern tools over ten years ago. The jump to WordPress was less painful than feared, although we are still working to incorporate the fan-favorite Quote Of The Day (which [...]